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  From: Peter Schuck <>
  To  : RASMB Bulletin Board <>
  Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2001 09:55:04 -0700

ternary protein interactions

Hi all,

I'm trying to make a small survey of studies in which ternary protein
interactions have been biophysically characterized.  I'm looking for
systems of three proteins, for which the free energy for the pairwise
binary and the ternary complex formation has been measured.  There are many
examples of studies with coupled hetero and self-associations, and also
experiments with small cofactors or peptides that modulate an essentially
binary protein interaction.  But what I'm trying to find are more examples
of experimental studies with three different proteins, similar-sized and
reversibly interacting, where the analysis goes beyond the detection of the
ternary complex. 

Thanks for your help,

Peter Schuck

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