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  From: Brian M. Baker <>
  To  : RASMB List <>
  Date: Tue, 15 May 2001 19:28:13 -0400

hydrogen exchange with D2O

Greetings all,
I'm planning on doing the Reynolds and Tanford (PNAS 73, 4467) approach with
a detergent solubilized membrane protein to get at the protein molecular
weight without the detergent contribution (protein is supposed to be a
stable trimer and it does not seem to like C8E5). One thing I'm unsure about
is correcting for hydrogen/deuterium exchange when using D2O (yes, I gave up
on getting D2O18). In plots of apparent M(1-vbar*rho) vs. solution density,
I've seen it mentioned that corrections are applied for exchange, but I'm
not sure how this is done. Can anybody steer me in the right direction?

I know how to correct for exchange when doing the Edelstein & Schachman
procedure for getting the vbar & MW of the protein/detergent complex - I
think I'm missing an obvious link between the two approaches.

Thanks much,

Brian M. Baker
Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology
Harvard University
(617) 496-6074

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