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  From: Joel Mackay <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2001 13:09:51 +1100

repairing/replacing centrepieces

hi all,
I have just noticed a little chip in one of our aluminium-banded epon 
centrepieces (2-channel; used on XL-A for velocity and equilibrium expts); 
it seems to be causing the cell to leak. I have only been looking after our 
machine for a couple of years and this is the first time i have come across 
this problem. It seems there are two options:
repair it
replace it.
This raises a couple of questions:
1. Do people repair centrepieces in this situation (eg with epoxy) or is it 
too difficult?
2. Does one simply obtain replacement centrepieces from Beckman, or are 
there alternatives that are more popular?
Thanks in advance.

Dr Joel Mackay
ARC Research Fellow
Department of Biochemistry
University of Sydney,
Sydney, NSW 2006
ph +61-2-9351-3906
fax +61-2-9351-4726
Sydney Protein Group Website:

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