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  From: Fumio Arisaka <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2001 16:00:26 +0900


Dear John,

Thank you for your comments.
Now, I at least understand the problem.  Fumio

At 09:24 01/08/21 -0700, John Philo wrote:
>Fumio and RASMB,
>Unfortunately there is no quick fix for this problem (and I note that the
>Beckman software won't run under Japanese versions of Windows either).
>The problem arises because in Asian versions of Windows all text is stored
>as Unicode (16 bits per character) rather than ASCII (8 bits/character) in
>order to support the larger character sets. However, the Microsoft compiler
>that I use for current versions of SEDNTERP, DCDT+, etc. does not support
>Unicode. That is, this is yet another compatibility issue we can blame on
>This problem can only be fixed by migrating to full 32-bit compilers that
>support Unicode, which will then make the programs incompatible for those in
>the AU community who still run under Windows 3.1 (and yes, there still are
>some).  With software, the only rule seems to be that you can't please (or
>support) everyone!
>Changing compilers and requiring 32-bit operating systems is a process I
>have begun, but it requires major changes in all the code, so it probably
>will not happen for at least a year.
>John Philo

Fumio Arisaka, Ph.D.
Department of Molecular and Cellular Assembly
Graduate School of Bioscience and Biotechnology
Tokyo Institute of Technology
5249 Nagatsuta, Midori-ku
Yokohama 226-8501  JAPAN
URL (Server has been changed.) 
      Keihanna International Conference on Molecular Biophysics 
(Server has been changed.)

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