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  From: Fumio Arisaka <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2001 20:40:30 +0900


Dear RASMBers,

This concerns compatibility of Windows98 in English version
and Japanese version.

Sednterp has been very useful in our AUC studies as everyone would
agree.  The only thing is that it does not run on our Japanese Windows.
Actually, DCDT+ and SVEDBERG do not run, either.
We have been using these programs on our PC connected to XL-I, in
which is installed English Windows95.  It must be something to do with
graphics, but I am not knowledgeable on computer and do not know
what to do.

It would be very convenient if these programs runs on our PC, too.

Would it be too much for John Philo or Tom Laue to make it run
on Japanese Windows?

I thought I was going to write to John or Tom personally, but also thought
that people in Asian or Middle Eastern countries may have the same problem.

Actually, sedfit runs on the Japanese Windows.

Thanks in advance for comments.  Fumio

Fumio Arisaka, Ph.D.
Department of Molecular and Cellular Assembly
Graduate School of Bioscience and Biotechnology
Tokyo Institute of Technology
5249 Nagatsuta, Midori-ku
Yokohama 226-8501  JAPAN
URL (Server has been changed.) 
      Keihanna International Conference on Molecular Biophysics 
(Server has been changed.)

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