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  From: Kathryn Howard <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 7 Aug 2001 16:39:54 -0400

Optima XLI and software compatibility

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Hello .
Please comment on the feasibility of doing data analysis  with beckman
approved  software while collecting sedimentation or equilibrium data from
the AUC on the PC driving the AUC.  We have found that you can't be in the
same room with the system without creating a problem for the XLI software.
Has anyone had a similar experience?


Kathryn J. Howard
Research Assistant IV
Case Western Reserve University
Dept of MED/ID/Chem

Content-Type: text/enriched; charset="us-ascii"

Hello .

Please comment on the feasibility of doing data analysis  with
<bold><italic>beckman approved</italic></bold>  software while
collecting sedimentation or equilibrium data from the AUC on the PC
driving the AUC.  We have found that you can't be in the same room with
the system without creating a problem for the XLI software.  Has anyone
had a similar experience?


Kathryn J. Howard

Research Assistant IV

Case Western Reserve University

Dept of MED/ID/Chem 


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