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  From: Bogos Agianian <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2001 11:48:41 +0100 (MET)

A+B Interactions

Dear all,

I would like to investigate an iteresting protein-protein interaction
system using equilibrium AUC. Based on biochemical data, I anticipate
that this system could be probably modeled with the 'simple' model
A + B <-> AB. 

I would appreciate any suggestions as to which is(are) the best
program(s) out there to handle such models. I have the impression that
for such a model even NONLIN could do the job (using a trick which I
cannot remember).  As I understand it, for a thorough analysis, one
has to get scans at differend wavelengths (of A and B) apart from
using differend speeds. However, I would like to know whether there are 
programs that can model data from the mixture (A+B) collected at only 
one wavelength.

Thanks in advance,



Bogos Agianian                                

Dept. of Crystal & Structural Chemistry | TEL (Office): +31 30 253 2868      
Utrecht  University/Bijvoet Center      | TEL (Lab)   : +31 30 253 9182      
Padualaan 8, 3584 CH Utrecht            | FAX         : +31 30 253 3940      
The Netherlands                         |

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