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  From: Bogos Agianian <>
  To  : rasmb <RASMB@BBRI.ORG>
  Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2000 15:17:29 +0200 (MZT)

Compatible B values

Dear all,

I wonder how comparable AUC derived virial coefficients (e.g, from
NONLIN) are to B22 values obtained from other methods (e.g. static
light scattering). This is of particular importance to us, because
such B22 values could, among other things, be used to predict protein
crystal growth.  
Related to this, is the issue of the unit and sign definitions used
for Bs.  As far as I've seen, the standard unit from non AUC methods
is, whereas NONLIN reports B*Mmonomer in units of mm-1, if
I'm not mistaken.  Negative or positive sign have also been given
conflicting meanings throughout the literature.

I would appreciate if somedody with much greater exprertise than I
have could enlighten me on these issue.

Thanks in advance,
Bogos Agianian

PS: "I take this opportunity to thank all who have spent precious time 
to reply to previous questions I posted on this list." 

 Bogos Agianian                                

 Dept. of Crystal & Structural Chemistry | TEL (Office): +31 30 253 2868       
 Utrecht  University/Bijvoet Center      | TEL (Lab)   : +31 30 253 9182       
 Padualaan 8, 3584 CH Utrecht            | FAX         : +31 30 253 3940       
 The Netherlands                         |

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