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  From: Stephen Harding <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 08:58:48 +0100

High concentration sed. eqm

Whats wrong with good old Schlieren optics?  Although at the high
concentrations you mention c vs r profiles with absorption and inteference
optics will go through the roof, dc/dr will not (so long as your solutions
are not opaque!).
OK I know the XL-I hasn't got this, but there are still a community of
Model E users who can help you.  [Incidentally I understand Walter
Maechtle at BASF has adapted a preparative XL for this purpose and Arthur
Rowe and Neil Errington here at the NCMH, with Helmut Coelfen  are on the
way to adapting an XL-I]

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