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  From: John Correia <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 02 May 2000 10:23:42 -0600

parameter correlations


Brad Charies & I published a review on analysis of neighbor exclusion data
that includes parameter correlation plots; they're never linear, often
highly curved and often not correlated - I know Joe Beecham has done
similar analysis in other systems and he refers to the local slope as the
local correlation coefficient.  I agree sed equil data seldom exhibits
complicated parameter correlations (knock on something).....

CORREIA, J.J. and J.B. Chaires  (1994) "Analysis of Drug-DNA Binding
Isotherms: A Monte Carlo Approach",  in Numerical Computation Methods,
Part B, (Ed. L. Brand and M.L.Johnson) Methods in Enzymology, vol 240,

 Dr. John J. "Jack" Correia
 Department of Biochemistry
 University of Mississippi Medical Center
 2500 North State Street
 Jackson, MS  39216
 (601) 984-1522                                 
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