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  From: Peter Schuck <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 18:42:48 -0800

sedfit update

Dear Colleagues,
I've put an update of sedfit (sedfit6) to the RASMB ftp-site.  Mainly, it
resolved a problem that showed up with the c(M) distribution when applied
to very broad distributions (the c(s), ls-g*(s) and all other distribution
models are unchanged).  There was a bug that required the quantitation for
the relative subpopulation of multimodal distribution to be done by
summation over the calculated grid points of the distribution, rather than
integration.  This is now fixed.  (This did not affect sedimentation
coefficient distributions, because for the equidistant grid used there,
both integration and summation is correct, for details please see the file
update6.txt).  Also, the new version has a couple of other bugs fixed,
which should make it run generally a bit more stable.  Please let me know
if you encounter any problems. 
Thanks, best regards,

Peter Schuck, PhD
Molecular Interactions Resource
Division of Bioengineering and Physical Science, ORS
National Institutes of Health
Bldg. 13 Rm. 3N17
13 South Drive 
Bethesda, MD 20892 - 5766
Tel: (301) 435-1950
Fax: (301) 480-1242

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