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  From: Dmitry Veprintsev <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 15:21:57 +0000

UltraSpin is out

Dear All, 
following the very warm reception we  got during  6th UK AUC meeting, we
are finally releasing the UltraSpin in its current state. 
UltraSpin is a windows program to analyse equilibrium sedementation data. 
It can fit multiple datasets to a number of predefined models (currently
20), including hetero-association. 
It is released free to academics, trial licence (time-limited) is also
see for details and download. 

Dmitry and Nick

PS Both program and documentation are in active development, but not
finished yet. It should be considered as beta.  

Dr. Dmitry Veprintsev;;">; 
MRC Centre for Protein Engineering, Hills Rd., Cambidge, CB2 2QH, England 
fax:+44-(0)1223-402140; ph +44-(0)1223-402027; e-fax/voice mail:
PGP public key is on the homepage.

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