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  From: Peter Schuck <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 09:40:27 -0800


Dear Michael,
have you tried direct boundary modeling by Lamm-equation solutions?
Besides the single species model, which I would still try by boundary
modeling with constraining the Mw to the known value, in the newest version
of sedfit are two other models that may be relevant: a single species
nonideal sedimentation model, and a conformational change c(s) model for
sedimentation coefficient distributions, which also lets you constrain the
molar mass of species in a predefined s-range.  

Peter Schuck, PhD
Molecular Interactions Resource
Division of Bioengineering and Physical Science, ORS
National Institutes of Health
Bldg. 13 Rm. 3N17
13 South Drive 
Bethesda, MD 20892 - 5766
Tel: (301) 435-1950
Fax: (301) 480-1242

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