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  From: John Correia <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 10:00:52 -0600

Re: affinities vs. temperatures


Hardly off the topic - K and thermodynamics are what we measure in this

Any reaction affinity that is entropically driven will increase with
temperature - microtubule assembly or vinca alkaloid induced tubulin
spiral assembly - the caveat is of course that this is usually due to the
release of water from the interface, which accounts for the positive
entropy and negative overall enthalpy, but which also means there is a
heat capacity and thus curvature in the LogK vs 1/T plot, ie the influence
of water is temperature dependent.


 B. Vulevic and J.J. CORREIA (1997)  "Thermodynamic and Structural
Analysis of  Microtubule Assembly: The Role of GTP  Hydrolysis." Biophys.
J., 72: 1357-1375.

S. Lobert, J. W. Ingram, B. T. Hill and J. J. CORREIA (1998)   "A
Comparison of Thermodynamic Parameters for Vinorelbine- and 
Vinflunine-Induced Tubulin Self  Association by Sedimentation Velocity."  Mol.
Pharmacol., 53, 908-915.

 Dr. John J. "Jack" Correia
 Department of Biochemistry
 University of Mississippi Medical Center
 2500 North State Street
 Jackson, MS  39216
 (601) 984-1522                                 
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