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  From: Peter Schuck <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 17:22:11 -0800

new sedfit version 5.2

Dear RASMBers

A new version (5.2) of Sedfit is now available for download from the RAMSB
ftp-site (, and from
Borries Demeler's ultracentrifugation website (or as email attachment on request).

The software runs on Windows 95, 98 or NT and is made for direct boundary
modeling of sedimentation velocity data.  It can fit both interference and
absorbance data with Lamm equation models for several independent species,
self-association models, a nonideal sedimentation model, sedimentation
coefficient distributions (g*(s) and continuous distributions of Lamm
equation solutions c(s)), and other models, and allows algebraic systematic
noise decomposition.  The software requires a Pentium > 300MHz, with > 128
MB RAM, and it has a extensive integrated help system that describes in
detail all functions and how to use them.  The version 5.2 has the new
features listed below. 

Please let me know if you have any problems in using it, or if you have any
suggestions for possible changes or extensions.

Best regards,

Changes in Version 5.2:

new models:
* (optional) simulation of the experimental rotor acceleration phase while
solving Lamm equations
* c(s) distribution allowing to include a single species with
conformational change 
* rapid reversible self-association models for monomer-dimer-tetramer and
monomer-tetramer-octamer systems 
* nonideal sedimentation (repulsive and attractive, thermodynamic and
hydrodynamic nonideality)

analysis of dynamic light scattering data with
* independent species model (defined either by a diffusion coefficient, or
by combining s and M)
* rh-distribution model
* D-distribution model

analysis of sedimentation equilibrium data for
* (maximum entropy) molar mass distributions

analysis of analytical electrophoresis data with
* ls-g*(v)
* independent species model (linear force Lamm eq.)
* diffusion-deconvoluted mobility distributions c(v)

small accessory functions:
* subtract calculated TI noise from raw data
* dump rms for each scan into a file "rms.dat" (for the identification of
isolated bad scans)
* progress indicator and interrupt possibility in distribution analysis
* function to show last fit info again
* keyboard shortcuts for displaying the data range (ctrl-D) and subtraction
of systematic noise (ctrl-N)
* allow loading only every n'th file 
* updated helpfile

bug fixes:
* made clipboard copies in the same order as times of scans
* allow for adding of single files in the 'add files' function
* fix one possible reason for the "log:SIGN error" during distribution analysis

other changes:
* removed the partial support for dual data set analysis - this will be
incorporated soon in a more general way in another software package
* added disclaimer

Peter Schuck, PhD
Molecular Interactions Resource
Division of Bioengineering and Physical Science, ORS
National Institutes of Health
Bldg. 13 Rm. 3N17
13 South Drive 
Bethesda, MD 20892 - 5766
Tel: (301) 435-1950
Fax: (301) 496-6608

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