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  From: Jeffry C. Nichols <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2000 13:10:43 -0500

AUC on "sticky" proteins

I have a "simple", but involved question.  We have a protein which is 
extremely sticky, purified in 10% glycerol, and very difficult to 
purify so that concentration is very limiting.

We have tried velocity sedimentation, but observed _no_ movement, due 
I think to the protein sticking to the quartz windows along with the 
high concentration of glycerol.

Other than using a different buffer system, can anyone give some 
suggestions for things to try so we can analyze this protein?  For 
instance, could we prebind the windows/cells, or would that just 
complicate the absorption?  Also, has anyone else had success with 
this level of glycerol?

Our system has the absorbance optics only.

Thanks for any help/insight into this problem.

Jeff Nichols, Ph.D.
Biochemistry Dept.
Rice University

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