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  From: Michael Morris <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2000 10:34:03 +1000

RE: negative XL-A data

Dear All,

Iris' experiences (and those of others) are disturbing but perhaps entirely
predictable. I too got excited by the prospect of using TCEP because I had
heard such good things about it and I also read the glowing company blurbs.
However, I've never used it. It seems the message is "don't believe the
glowing company blurbs". Clearly, Iris has done what many of us have done
with DTT - tested its absorption properties. Christopher Chin is suggesting
people use TBP (Tri-n-butylphosphine) but, again, unless it passes these
simple absorption tests it may be no better. I guess the search for a good
reducing agent for proteins for use with absorption optics goes on. Isn't
there anyone out there who can finally solve this bugbear? Perhaps at the
next major U/C conference it could be a topic of discussion.

Yours, Michael

Michael Morris
Senior Lecturer
Pharmaceutical Chemistry	Tel:	+ 61-2-9351-2359
Faculty of Pharmacy A15	  	Fax:	+ 61-2-9351-4391
University of Sydney 2006	Email: 

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