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  From: Fumio Arisaka <>
  To  : Andrew Leech <>
  Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 10:04:02 +0900

Re: scratches on centerpieces

Dear Andrew,

I am using an applicator for babies.  Applicator for adults is 
too big to get into the six-hole centerpiece.  Fumio

p.s. I found the word "applicator" in a Japanese-English dictionary 
      and hope it it is what I mean.  It is a small stick with cotton at
      both ends.
> I have a related question, which is about cleaning the centrepieces.
> For "stubborn" deposits I have been (very carefully!) using a pipe-
> cleaner to get into the corners at the bottom of the wedge. This
> is not very satisfactory as the pipe cleaners have wire in them,
> and I'm afraid of making scratches. What do other people do to get
> their cells squeaky-clean?

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