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  From: Hiroshi Fujita <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 05 May 1999 12:24:01 +0900

Thank for the responses

Dear RASMBers:
I am glad to see immediate responses to my trivial comments on the determination of D by 
sedimentation velocity. Well、it is good to know that the velocity experiments can be done 
at present at solute concentrations far below those in the 60 or 70s. I appreciate the great 
technical improvements, and at the same time I feel I am quite aged. One thing I want 
to remark is that this lucky situation robs a physical chemist like me of a fun,  because, as my 
teacher Prof. J. W. Williams once joked, one of the funs for physical chemists is finding , with 
due account of theory, a plot which allows experimental data to be extrapolated accurately  to 
infinite dilution  The byproduct of this extrapolation is the determination  of the concentration 
dependence of a physical quantity under study. It contains  both hydrodynamic and 
thermodynamic information (though combined), and so  adds something  to
the  knowledge about the system concened. 
Sincerely yours,
Hiroshi Fujita

Hiroshi Fujita
35 Shimotakedono-Cho, Shichiku, Kita-Ku
Kyoto, Japan

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