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  From: Richard M Thomas <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 12:23:26 +0200

Partial Specific Volume in 3M GuHCl

Dear David,
		Of course you should measure it, if practical. However, it is generally
taken that binding of 6M GuHCl leads to a decrease in the apparent specific
volume of 0.02-0.03 ml/g (ie. something of the order of 2%, leading to an
underestimate of ca. 6-7% in mass - see ,eg., Durchschlag in Hinz
'Thermodynamic data for Biochemistry.....'). The effect of 3M GuHCl,
according to this rule of thumb, will therefore probably not be
particularly large, unless your protein is 'funny'. Still nothing replaces
good old hard work....

Dr Richard M Thomas
Inst. für Polymere
CH-8092 Zürich
(tel) +41 1 632 5540
(fax) +41 1 632 1073

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