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  From: John Philo <>
  To  : Arturo J. Morales <>
  Date: Wed, 3 Mar 1999 17:26:19 -0800

RE: SEDNTERP updates?


There are no updates to the SEDNTERP density and viscosity databases,
because we have no additional data to add.  (Thus far only Geoff Howlett
provided data to share with all).

The SEDNTERP database is easily expanded when you have additional
experimental data or find it in the literature.  You first have to fit
data to the functional form used in SEDNTERP, but I have provided
ORIGIN templates and instructions for that purpose on the RASMB site.

I'll leave it to others to comment about how best to obtain new data, and
note only that at Amgen I drove one bright and capable summer intern
out of experimental science by asking him to do density measurements!

John Philo

-----Original Message-----
From: Arturo J. Morales []">]
Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 1999 1:31 PM
Subject: Sednterp updates?


I have a version of Sednterp from 10/30/97 and it does not have any
information on p for Boric Acid... is there a new version out? new data
file?  assuming that this is the latest version, and that I have to
manually measure density for my buffer, what is the best way to measure p
to the accuracy level needed for SE work?



     Arturo J. Morales    (RPI
   Department of Biology - Massachusetts Institute of Technology &
  Skaggs Institute for Chemical Biology - Scripps Research Institute

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