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  From: Walter Stafford <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 2 Nov 1999 19:15:05 -0500


	The RASMB email server and FTP site has been in existence since the 
spring of 1994.

It now has 232 members on the email list.

Over that time there have been 10's of thousands of "hits" on the FTP site.


Walter F. Stafford III, Ph.D.
Analytical Ultracentrifugation Research Laboratory
Boston Biomedical Research Institute
20 Staniford Street
Boston, MA 02114-2500, U.S.A
tel: (617) 912-0386
fax: (617) 912-0335">


                Never be afraid to try something new.
                 Remember, amateurs built the ark. 
                 Professionals built the Titanic.


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