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  From: Richard M Thomas <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 16:42:59 +0200

Expensive gaskets

Dear Marcus
Faced by the expensive gasket problem for Al centrepieces (years ago) we
had a suitable steel die cut and mounted in a press. Still working fine,
although we too very rarely use these centrepieces. I imagine, too, that a
simple hand-held version would work as well. Depending on the volume you
require, this could provide a relatively cheap solution and shouldn't be
beyond the resources of your workshop (if any). Get them to make you up one
for your filling hole gaskets while they're about it.
Regards to all

Dr Richard M Thomas
Inst. für Polymere
CH-8092 Zürich
(tel) +41 1 632 5540
(fax) +41 1 632 1073

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