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  From: Dean Malencik <>
  To  : Borries Demeler <>
  Date: Fri, 01 Oct 1999 15:02:08 -0700

Re: "fringe" extinction coefficient

4.1 fringes per 1 mg/ml of protein.  Proteins will not exhibit
any variations as long as there is not a lot of carbohydrate bound to
it.  Reference:  Babul & Sftellwagen 1969 Anal. Biochem 28 216-221.

Will be talking to you more about printers and Linux next week.

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On 10/1/1999 at 2:34 PM Borries Demeler wrote:

>Quick question:
>What is the interference equivalent to an extinction coefficient under
>absorbance optics, ie. how much of a fringe shift can I expect for a
>given concentration of protein? How much variation is there for different
>proteins? If it is constant, is there a published number and what is it?
>TIA, -Borries

Dean Malencik

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