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  From: Joel Mackay <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 22:23:37 +1100

curious message on XL-A

Hi all,
This talk of communication problems has reminded me to ask everyone about a
message that appears on the screen of the PC controlling our XL-A from time
to time during autoscans. The message says "R servo timeout", but doesn't
seem to actually cause any problems - scans still collect and are saved,
and when you type "ESC" as suggested, the message just disappears. Does
anyone know the cause of this "problem"? I asked the engineer at Beckman
here in Sydney, but he didn't know.
thanks in advance,
Joel Mackay

Dr Joel Mackay			ph +61-2-9351-3906
ARC Research Fellow			fax +61-2-9351-4726
Department of Biochemistry
University of Sydney
NSW 2006 Australia

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