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  From: John Philo <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 3 Sep 1998 13:29:34 -0700

RE: analytical cell assemblies

Good idea, Michael.  I have been looking to buy cell parts for several
months without success.

May I also suggest you expand the list to include rotors and torque wrench
assemblies?  (I'm looking to buy those too.)

John Philo, Alliance Protein Laboratories

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Jacobsen []">]
Sent: Thursday, September 03, 1998 9:15 AM
Subject: analytical cell assemblies


If anyone has in their possession new, used but in particular "unloved"
analytical cell assembly components could they contact me with the view of
establishing a database (of sorts) of buyers and sellers.




Michael P. Jacobsen

Analytical Ultracentrifugation Laboratory
Boston Biomedical Research Institute
20 Staniford Street
MA 02114

Ph. (617) 9120326 (work)
Ph. (617) 576-6209 (home)

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