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  From: Helmut Coelfen <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 3 Sep 98 19:45:19 +0200

New Version of MSTAR

"Hello RASMBers.

Following a number of comments we have now improved MSTARI to give a 
more user-friendly molecular weight analysis procedure for the XL-I.  
The meniscus concentration estimation procedure has now been taken 
out as a separate routine, called "Ja".  Having done that (or if you 
can SAFELY assume meniscus depletion conditions, in which the 
meniscus concentration is just 0) you can then use MSTARI (the 
model-independent molecular weight routine giving the Mw for the 
whole radial distribution of the u/c cell as well as various 
point average plots) and/or you can use  NONLIN or other
model dependent anylsis packages without having to 
resort to floating baselines.

The point average plots use fringe concentration rather than 
absolute concentration for the abcissa.  If users would prefer to use 
absolute concentrations we would be happy to implement this change
(although users would have to input a value for the refractive 
increment during run-time).

You can download the whole MSTAR suite (including MSTARA for 
absorption optics and the PSI programmes for the analysis of 
interacting systems) from the RASMB FTP site under:


COVOL, the non-ideality estimation programme from the triaxial 
dimensions or crystal coordinates of a protein molecule will be 
downloadable shortly.


Steve Harding/ Helmut Coelfen 

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