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  From: Ewa Folta-Stogniew <stogniew@BIOMED.MED.YALE.EDU>
  To  : Cole, James L <>
  Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 11:39:21 -0500 (EST)

Re: dn/dc values

On Tue, 9 Jun 1998, Cole, James L wrote:

> Dear  RASMBers:
> Does anyone know of tabulated data for the refractive index increments for
> RNA and DNA oligonucleotides ?

I got the following message after I had asked the same question:

" There is a list in the polymer hand book as follows:

DNA-sodium salt

wavelength= 436nm, T= 25

AQ. 0.2M NaCl

IONIC STRENGTH                  dn/dc (ml/g)

        0.5                             0.170
        0.2                             0.166
        0.02                            0.172
        0.01                            0.176
        0.005                           0.180

In the Wyatt database there is a value for DNA 0f 0.168, wavelength
633nm, temp= 25, sodium salt 0.1M,  Ref; J Chromatogr. 389:286,1987. "

hope this will help, Ewa

> Thanks
> Jim Cole

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