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  From: Marc S. Lewis <>
  To  : Borries Demeler <>
  Date: Wed, 3 Jun 1998 16:13:53 -0500

Re: Hepes and Pipes buffer values

Dear Borries:

If you are not able to get the information you desire, you could send us
appropriate buffer samples and we could measure the densities in the
relatively near future (a month or so) and will be in a position to measure
viscosities shortly after that.  Let me know if you are interested.

Regards -

Marc Lewis

Marc S. Lewis, Ph. D., Acting Director
Molecular Interactions Resource, BPSP, ORS, OD
National Institutes of Health
Buiding 13  Room 3N17
13 South Drive  MSC 5766
BETHESDA MD 20892-5766

Phone: 301-496-9044;  Fax:  301-496-6608

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