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  From: David J. Scott <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 17:04:00 PDT

ks values

 Probably a silly question, but I'm going to ask it anyway....

 I've been doing a service run for someone, starting with sed. vel over 9 concentrations.
>From this I see a nice linear decrease with concentration for which I can fit the relationship s=s0(1-ks*c).
For a globular protein (which I'm assuming it is) what is a 'typical' value of ks. 

I get 0.18 (ml/mg). 

I haven't got round to fitting a more elegant model as yet, but will once I've waded through the literature.

Thanks in Advance....

Dave Scott.

* Dr. David Scott		*
* Dept Biology		*
* University of York		*
* YORK			*
* YO1 5DD		*
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* United Kingdom		*
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* phone  +44 1904 432868	*
* fax       +44 1904 432860	*

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