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  From: Dr A.J. Rowe <>
  To  : David Scott <>
  Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 15:41:44 +0000 (GMT)

Re: exctinction coefficients at 230 nm

Hi Dave !

The obvious warning one has to give in this matter concerns the Rayleigh
scattering component, which will contribute unequally at the two wavelengths.
However - one of the joys of the AUC is that the small amounts of heavy
aggregate which plague regular spectroscopy are pretty much removed from the
opitcal path, thanks to g-force.

Given the limited precision which inevitably dogs Kd determinations, I doubt if
you have anything significant to worry about from this cause, at least. We
certainly find we can do Kd*s in the far uv and be reasonably happy with the

All best


	Arthur J Rowe
	Professor of Biomolecular Technology 
	University of Nottingham
	The NCMH Business Centre
	School of Biological Sciences	
	Sutton Bonington
	Leicestershire LE12 5RD,  UK:
	Tel/voicemail	: +44 (0)115 951 6156
	Tel/Fax		: +44 (0)115 951 6157}

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