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  From: David Scott <>
  To  : Rasmb <>
  Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 12:13:29 +0000

exctinction coefficients at 230 nm

Hia to everyone in RASMB land.......

We have been doing some equilibrium runs scanning at 230 nm. The system
appears to reversibly interact and we wish to derive a Kd for the
interaction. Obviously we will need the extinction coefficient at this
wavelength. A radial scan of the solution reveals that the absorbance at
230 nm is 10 times greater than that at 280 nm. We know the extinction
coefficient at 280 nm from the amino acid sequence, the question is: is
it accurate enough to simply multiply this by a factor of 10 to obtain
the extinction coefficient at 230 nm, or is there something I have

Thanks in advance,

Dave Scott.

* Dr. David Scott  *
* Dept. Biology  *
* University of York *
* Heslington  *
* YORK   *
* UK   *
* Y01 5DD   *
* Phone: +44 1904 432868 *
* Fax:   +44 1904 432860 *
* *

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