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  From: Michael Jacobsen <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 17 Nov 1998 16:52:35 -0500

position vacant

The Macromolecular Interaction Facility has the following vacancy.



Macromolecular Interaction Facility (MacInFac)
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Research Technician, Macromolecular Interaction Facility, University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill. A full-time position is available for a
person possessing a M. Sc. or equivalent degree in chemistry,
biochemistry, biophysics or related biomedical science field with
experience or knowledge of analytical methods of biophysics. Duties
require candidate to: 1) assist Scientific Director in the day-to-day
operation, management, and training of users within a multi-user
equipment facility, which at present, house a MicroCal VP-Differential
Scanning Calorimeter, a MicroCal isothermal titration calorimeter,
Beckman XL-A ultracentrifuges, a BIAcore 2000 and a BIAcore X surface
plasmon resonance instrument, a JASCO J-600 circular dichroic
spectrophotometer, a Aminco SLM 8100 spectrofluorimeter and affiliated
experimental and analytical software. Training in any or all the above
techniques will be given, if necessary, to suitable applicants
possessing expertise in a related area and who show a willingness to
learn techniques beyond their current understanding. An ability to
interact and communicate professionally with scientists from diverse
fields is also extremely desirable.

The Macromolecular Interaction Facility (MacInFac) is unique in its
mission and ability to service the academic UNC, academic non-UNC, as
well as the non-academic scientific communities within and outside the
Research Triangle Park area interested in characterizing or to have
characterized macromolecular interactions of special interest.

Applicants should send a resume plus names of three references to Dr.
Michael P. Jacobsen, Scientific Director, Macromolecular Interaction
Facility (MacInFac), Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics, CB# 7260,
M.E. Jones Bldg., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel
Hill, NC 27599-7260. Minority and female candidates are asked to
voluntary identify themselves. The University of North Carolina is an
Equal Opportunity Employer.

Dr. Michael P. Jacobsen
Scientific Director
Macomolecular Interaction Facility (MacInFac)
Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics
School of Medicine
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill NC 27599-7260

Ph. (919) 962-2362 (W)
Ph. (919) 968-2542 (H)
Fax.(919) 962-9469
work  email:
home email:


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