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  From: Jim Cole <jim_cole@Merck.Com>
  To  : RASMB <>
  Date: Fri, 18 Apr 1997 09:29:31 -0500

Re: glycerol

Last year we also had to do some centrifugation work in up to 20% glycerol
with cytomegalovirus protease.  At 20 C, the viscosity was not too much of
a problem for equilibrium and velocity work. For a variable temperature
equilibrium study we worked at 10% glycerol, and for a 3 mm column height
equilibrium required up to two days at 5 C. As you  suggested, glycerol
does affect v-bar.  Timasheff published a study of glycerol effects a while
ago (Gekko and Timasheff Biochemistry 1981, 20, 4667-4676). The dependence
of v-bar on [glycerol] was found to be similar for four different proteins.
>From their data we calculated an average correction factor for v-bar: Delta
v-bar/Delta % volume glycerol = +3.33 X 10-4. Hope this helps.


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