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  From: Jack Correia <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 15 Apr 1997 12:16:11 -0500

      I believe it was Benjamin Disraeli who actually said "Lies, damn lies
and statistics".  When Mark Twain used it he probably made it into a better
story.  Maybe a story about consensus and coming or not coming to an

        Consensus, as practised by course coordinators like myself, usually
involves listening politely and then taking the advise I agree with and can
justify, especially if I do most of the work.  In my lab consensus usually
involes listening politely and then making damn sure it gets done the way I
want it done.  The demise and rebirth of analytical ultracentrifugation has
many interesting scientific and sociological aspects.  This extended
conversation where code developers ask our opinions has probably seldom
happen in other fields.  I believe it speaks well of the community and of
the future.  In my opinion the future of this field is driven by need
(applications) and enhanced by individuals with insight, vitality and
vision.  If we publish good work, if you write great code, the field will
flourish and "they" will follow.  So let the fun begin, & when can I get a copy?

|   Dr. Jack Correia                                    |
|   Department of Biochemistry                          | 
|   Univ. of Miss. Medical Center                       |
|   2500 N. State St.                                   |
|   Jackson, MS 39216                                   |
|   (601) 984-1522                                      |
|   fax (601) 984-1501                                  |

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