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  To  : -         (052)rasmb(a) <>
  Date: Tue, 8 Apr 1997 14:28:55 -0400

RE: binary file formats

I have read John and Tom's e-mail with interest as basically I don't know what
you guys are talking about but would like to make a comment anyway.  The future
of this instrument lies in the hands of Beckman customers like myself-basically
only interested in what it can do for me in solving my biochemistry problems.
The instrument needs to be as "turn-key" as possible and directed to the
"computer illiterates" such as myself.  The other instruments I have in the
lab-Edman sequencer, HPLC, CD, fluorometer and even electrospray mass spec so
classify.  PLEASE do not create a "tower of Babel" here.  In particular I would
like to see everything run transparently under Beckman's Origen software, ie.
when I get an upgrade from them it is in the package.  Anyway having said all
that let me say that I appreciate what you "guru's" are doing!!!!
By the way, Tom mentioned a flourescence instrument-is this coming? should I
save up my nickels and dimes to buy one?   Thanks!

Jim Bloom
Bayer Corp.
Berkeley, CA

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