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  From: Tom Laue <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 12:23:56 -0500

Density/viscosity tables

Dear RASMBers,
You may or may not have noticed that the CRC Handbook no longer contains
the tables of densities and viscosities. I contacted the editor, David
Lide, who was both gracious and helpful about my request to have them
restored. He was curious as to who might find those tables useful, and I
indicated that there were a number of persons doing sedimentation,
viscosity and light scattering who might use them. 
He indicated: 
	1) that he would try to have them restored for the next edition
	2) there will be a CD-ROM version of the CRC handbook in which ALL of the
tables will appear
	3) it might help the case for restoration if he heard from a few others
that found the table useful

If you are so inclined, please drop an e-mail to Dr. Lide at:

indicating your desire to have the "Concentration Properties of Solutions"
tables restored.
Thank you,
Tom Laue
Tom Laue
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
University of New Hampshire
Durham, NH 03824
Ph:  603-862-2459
FAX: 603-862-4013

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