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  From: Philo, John <>
  To  : 'rasmb' <>
  Date: Fri, 31 Oct 1997 08:30:44 -0800

Update to SEDNTERP

I have uploaded a maintenance update to SEDNTERP on the RASMB FTP site.
Version 1.01 fixes a couple of bugs I have found, but adds no new
features.  (You people are either not very good at finding bugs or too
bashful to tell me about them.)

Specifically, this update fixes a bug in reading protein sequence files
with 3-letter amino acid codes.  It now properly generates a
corresponding single-letter code sequence for storage in the database
instead of mutating the sequence into polyalanine (instantaneous
complete alanine scanning mutagenesis!)  The Help file also now
clarifies that sequence files must be named with the extension .SEQ.

I also fixed a bug in calculating the graph of the theoretical
absorption spectrum based on the sample composition.  The contributions
from Phe, and any conjugates for which spectral data had been added to
the database, were not being included on the graph.  This bug did NOT
affect the calculations of extinction coefficients at 280 nm as reported
on the sample composition form or in the printed reports.

Since there are only a few files that have changed, I have created a
self-extracting archive called SDNUPDAT.EXE (354 kb) that you may use to
overwrite the old version.   Updating instructions are available in a
file called UPDATE.TXT, and the revision history is available in a file
called WHATSNEW.TXT.  

The complete install of version 1.01 is available as the file

Best regards to all, and I hope to see many of you in Galveston in two


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