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  From: Julius.Clauwaert <>
  To  : Borries Demeler <>
  Date: Thu, 9 Oct 1997 16:26:09 +0200 (MET DST)

Dear Rasmb users,

We want to determine the stoichiometry and equilibrium constant for an
association process between two proteins A and B. Protein A has a
molecular weight of about 14000  and protein B a molecular weight of
about 11000. Protein A and B form a complex. We think,this happens in a
one to one relation, but are not sure. It is also possible it is a
one-two, two-two are two-one relation.
Are there programs available for determining this?
Thanking you in advance,

Tony Aerts
Dept. of biochemistry
University of Antwerp
Fax: 32 3 8202248

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