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  From: Jack Correia <>
  To  : Dr A.J. Rowe <>
  Date: Mon, 3 Feb 1997 09:36:54 -0600

Re: vbar in urea

Arthur Rowe & RASMBers,

        There are at least two papers on the urea vbar problem.  Prakash et
al (1981) ABB 210: 455-464, and Prakash & Timasheff (1981) Anal Biochem 117:
330-335.  They include theory & measurements.  The work is reviewed later in
Methods in Enzymol (1985) vol 117, p 53.  Lee & Timasheff have a similar but
older paper on GuHCl effects on vbar in Biochemistry (1974) 13: 2257-265.

|   Dr. Jack Correia                                    |
|   Department of Biochemistry                          | 
|   Univ. of Miss. Medical Center                       |
|   2500 N. State St.                                   |
|   Jackson, MS 39216                                   |
|   (601) 984-1522                                      |
|   fax (601) 984-1501                                  |

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