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  From: Geoff Howlett <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 09 Sep 1997 17:43:03 +1000

RASMB98 meeting

Hi all

Details of the 1998 RASMB meeting and the 1998 joint meeting of the Lorne
protein structure and function and Protein Society meeting are now
available on: 

This is a wonderful time to visit Australia (late summer) and enjoy sand
and surf with good science.  

Its a bit expensive to get here from o/s but its great for frequent flyer

Best wishes

Geoff Howlett


Here is the current list of keynote speakers for RASMB98:

Jim Cole (Merck, USA) Regulation of Viral Enzymes by Macromolecular 
Mat Cooper (Univ. Cambridge) Biosensor analysis using the HPA chip 
Bruce Cornell (Sydney) Ion channel biosensor 
Preston Hensley (SmithKline Beecham, USA) Interactions of EPO Agonists with
Dimerized EPO Receptor 
Glenn King (Univ. Sydney) Protein-protein interactions 
John Ladbury (Univ. London) Reversibility of cellular signal transduction
Tom Laue (Durham, USA) Particles of mass and charge: First principles to
examine macromolecular association 
Alan Mark (Zurich, Switzerland) Simulation of Protein-Protein Interactions 
David Millar (San Diego, USA) Fluorescence spectroscopy analysis of
DNA-protein interactions 
Allen Minton (Bethesda, USA) Orientation and adsorption equilibria at
John Philo (AMGEN, USA) Growth factor receptor homodimerization 
Sheena Radford (Univ. Leeds) Protein folding, misfolding and disease 
Arthur Rowe (Univ. Leicester, UK) New AUC-based Approaches to the Study of
Weak Interactions
Walter Stafford (Boston, USA) Analysis of reversibly associating systems 
Ian Wilson (San Diego, USA) Agonist and antagonist peptide complexes with
EPO receptor 
Horst Vogel (EPFL, Lusanne) Advances in biosensors 

Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
University of Melbourne
Victoria 3052

Ph:  61 3 9344 7632
FAX: 61 3 9347 7730

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