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  From: Michael Morris <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 22 Aug 97 10:25:34 EST

Dear RASMBers,

It is with the deepest sadness that I inform you of the death of Greg
Ralston after his two-year battle with colon cancer. Greg was the very
finest of gentlemen, an excellent scientist and he combined these and other
talents in many notable ways. Among these was his ability, his seemingly
magical ability, of inspiring young scientists to pursue their careers,
particularly in the field of biophysics which was his lifelong passion. Greg
will be very sorely missed at the University of Sydney, and by many
RASMBers, friends and other colleagues around the world.

Michael Morris                   
Pharmaceutical Chemistry            ph: +61-2-351-2359              
Department of Pharmacy A15          fax: +61-2-351-4391                
University of Sydney 2006           email:


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