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  From: Allen P. Minton <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 29 Nov 1995 14:53:45 -0500 (EST)

Centrifuge bargain

Some of you may be familiar with our work on the use of preparative
ultracentrifuges to obtain sedimentation equilibrium gradients of
analytical quality.  (For a recent mini-review see Darawshe & Minton,
Analytical Biochem. 220, 1-4; 1994.) Over the years our centrifuge of
choice for such studies has been the Beckman TL-100 tabletop
ultracentrifuge, a marvelously dependable and easy-to-use instrument of
many uses.  

I have just been informed by Bob Swendeman of Tritech Field Engineering
that his company has recently acquired an almost new TL-100 in mint
condition, complete with fixed-angle and swinging bucket rotors and a full
complement of accessories.  They would like to sell it and he told me that
the price would be "about half" that of the identical new equipment, with
some negotiating room.  For information, call him at (301) 970-2227 or
(410) 266-1522. 

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