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  From: Jack Correia <>
  To  : Jim Cole <>
  Date: Fri, 3 Nov 1995 09:37:11 -0600

Re: Nonideality


        Two more things occurred to me this morning.  First, as you probably
know, nonideal monomer dimer is a very tough case since when you do the
virial expansion B looks like K for this system.  This is actually discussed
in the Nonlin paper [Johnson et al].  It is actually a problem in vanHolde's
book I assign to graduate students.  Secondly, nonideality can also arise
from Weiner skewing [see footnote #3 in Correia et al Biochemistry 34: 4898
(1995)].  Is it possible that for slight association this effect shows up
more readily.  I am not sure how B couples to the magnitude of K?  It should
depend upon gradient and thus loading concentration in a speed dependent manner.
|   Dr. Jack Correia                                    |
|   Department of Biochemistry                          | 
|   Univ. of Miss. Medical Center                       |
|   2500 N. State St.                                   |
|   Jackson, MS 39216                                   |
|   (601) 984-1522                                      |
|   fax (601) 984-1501                                  |

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