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  From: Borries Demeler <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 12 Sep 95 16:35:03 -0700


Hello all,
This post is to inform everyone on the RASMB mailing list of a new WWW site
at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio.
The new pages deal with XL-A research and other XL-A related materials. 
The web site can be reached with this URL:
(notice the period "." in front of ".biochem" :-)
The purpose of this WWW page is the dissemination of information about 
XL-A related materials in a user-friendly fashion, and I will make any
reasonable attempt to keep it current and interesting. Please do come 
often and visit!
Here is a short list of some of the contents:
  * references for various research papers involving the XL-A
  * a mirror of Walter Stafford's software archive with convenient 
    WWW access and e-mail hotlinks to the programmers
  * an archive of previously submitted articles to the RASMB mailing list
  * a keyword search of previously submitted RASMB articles (1994 and 1995)
  * RASMB subscriber list with e-mail addresses
  * Geoff Howlett's RASMB FAQ (with minor modifications)
  * a hotlink to the Beckman page on the XL-A
  * a bulletin board for current information/dated material/conference 
  * a sample preparation guide for equilibrium and velocity experiments 
    which we use locally for collaborative work (maybe only of use to 
    others as an example)
To come in the near future: 
  1) data analysis reports on some representative systems
  2) keyword searching of reference articles
I hope to be able to serve the RASMB community with this WWW site a little 
better than with the older gopher-type mirror. Most of you probably have 
already migrated to netscape or a similar web browser. You should be able 
to access this site also with lynx in a text-only environment (similar 
to gopher).
As always, your comments are welcome and let me know what you would like to 
see on this page to make it more useful to you.
  Thank you, -Borries Demeler

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