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  From: Julius.Clauwaert <>
  Date: Wed, 28 Jun 1995 16:12:49 +0200 (MET DST)

vbar of triton

I hereby send you the results of my question concerning the vbar value of 
triton x100 : some people have asked me for a summary.

Durchschlag in H.J.Hinz p71 Thermodynamic data for biochemistry and 
biotechnology gives the following values :
  20 degree above cmc  0.9125 ml/g
  20 degree above cmc   0.93 ml/g
  25 degree above cmc  0.908 ml/g

Tanford et al in Biochemistry 13, 2369-2376, 1974 writes 0.908 ml/g

J. Behlke in S.E. Harding, A.J.Rowe, J.C.Horton in Analytical 
ultracentrifugation in biochemistry and polymer science, 1992 p484 used 
0.913 - 0.930 ml/g

S. Harding uses for reduced triton x100 a value of 0.97 ml/g

Thanks you again,

T. Aerts
University of Antwerp

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