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  From: JOHN PHILO <>
  To  : rasmb <>
  Date: 13 May 1995 18:02:38 -0800

Re: sedimentation database

        Reply to:   RE>sedimentation database

I second essentially everything Jack Correia said---I just don't see a need
for a raw data repository.  Certainly there are cases where good data never
makes it into the literature.  However, if I wanted to know if anyone had
already done sedimentation analysis on a certain protein, but had not
published it, I would simply put out a query using this forum.

A slightly different area where a data depository might be useful is one
where people share their measured values of buffer densities and viscosities
(perhaps vbars also?).  Such data may be valuable to others, but unlikely to
be published.  Even when they are stated in the Materials & Methods in a
publication, there is no practical way to do a literature search to found
papers that have reported densities for a certain buffer solution!  The
formulas and tables in Tom Laue's paper for calculating these values are
great, but we lack the data for many common buffer components.  Any thoughts
about this idea?

John Philo, Amgen

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