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  From: Michael P.Jacobsen <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 13 May 1995 16:27:08 +1000

sedimentation database

In contemplating what would be the most efficient way for the storage and 
retrieval of raw sedimentation data, I thought to make the following 
comments (and perhaps optimistically hope to recieve some feedback).

Since the advent of the XLA and online data capture there does not appear to 
exist any formal database analagous to that established for the 
sequence/composition of proteins and  DNAs. As such, I suspect that there 
exists a degree of unnecessary replication of sedimentation experiments that 
can only increase with time.

I am aware that the RASMB server does have a directory for "dropping off" 
data but am not sure of the present limits nor envisaged usage of this 

Perhaps a formal and dedicated database could be established for raw 
sedimentation data that eventuates in/originates from some analysed form 
that is/was suitable for publication(s).  The same database could also be of 
service to "screened" data from a less formal but dedicated database(s) 
(such as the RASMB "drop-off" directory) for which "good" data for one 
reason or other doesn't reach the pinnacle of publication but which could be 
of benefit to someone, somewhere, sometime.

This is NOT a TEST message to see if the RASMB server is alive and running.

Regards from

"Down Under Where Women Glow and Men ..."

Michael P. Jacobsen
Centre for Protein Structure, Function and Engineering
Biochemistry Department
University of Queensland
St. Lucia 4067

Phone:      (07) 3653348
Voicemail (07) 3653348
Fax:           (07) 3654699

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