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  From: dr. jack correia <>
  Date: Tue, 24 May 94 12:00:48 -0500

Re: Vbar - guesses or measurements

>  Tom,
>           Are the vbars guesses by amino acid composition or measurements?
>  BSA has many disulfides and gives the correct Mol. weight if you remove
>  the dimers, trimers etc that form upon storage!!  The vbar was measured.
This question also applies to John Philo's examples - guesses or  measured?
  Also is there any evidence of protein cleavage in the cases you mention? 
 Disulfides provide a path  to peptide bond cleavage involving beta-
elimination (Correia et al. ABB 300: 105-114, 1993).
>            JACK
>  >

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