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  Date: Fri, 22 Apr 1994 13:38:44 -0400 (EDT)

Tracker.exe from A. Minton

**** Reversible Associations in Structural and Molecular Biology *****
                            ** R A S M B **

Allen Minton has made his program TRACKER.EXE available for real time 
observation of sedimentation runs on the XL-A. It can be found in the 
RASMB anonymous FTP software archive in directory


This is what Allen said:

I have sent to the [RASMB] directory an "old-new" program that we have
been using here for some time. TRACKER enables you to follow the progress
of a sed. velocity experiment running on the XLA in essentially real time. 
The program is gratis, but the catch is that you have to run it under
Desqview 386, which costs ca. $125.  However, as I explain in TRACKER.DOC, I
think it's a bargain.

Cheers, Allen

On behalf of all XL-A users "At last! Thank-you Allen." 

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